I’m Grounded

In 2013, as I went for a walk in the woods with my therapy dog, Fergus, I was facing a challenge. As I was surrounded by the beauty of mother nature, I cried out in despair. I was seeking answers. It was at that time that this song just came to me. I ran home with joy and wrote down the music and lyrics that came into my heart. 
I asked a musician to help arrange my melody and words together into the music. I asked my son Yanni to complete the arrangement and then asked my friend Frank Pisani to perform it. That’s Frank singing and playing the piano in this performance.
I am not a song writer, but somehow I was inspired to write this song. It gave me confidence to believe in myself and get through my difficult challenge.
It’s by asking that we receive; it’s by knocking on doors that they are opened and it’s by seeking that we find.
Eirini ~ Peace


©2014 Irene C. Metaxas

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