Dear friends,

For three months during the early days of the COVID pandemic, I offered live guided meditations every Saturday morning via conference call. These were based on the in-person sessions I had been offering to patients and staff on-site at my local hospitals for years.

I will be taking a break from our live calls. However, I have prepared these recorded guided meditations with deep breathing for you. Please tune in whenever you feel the urge to refresh yourselves, click below and listen. If you want to stick to a weekly schedule, tune in at the same time each week. There are enough here for a monthly cycle, which you can repeat. We end each session with wisdom.

Take personal responsibility for your well being when listening. Do not listen to these meditations while you are driving or doing any other activity. Instead create a safe space to go inward and receive the full effect of calmness and peace.

Enjoy your journey!

Advanced meditators click HERE for mindful meditation you can try on your own.

With much love,

Coach Eirini