Listen to Coach Eirini’s client, Sally, discuss what she values most in Eirini’s approach to life coaching — her spirituality.

In six short weeks working with Coach Eirini I was able to solidify and put into action ideas that had been rolling around in my head for a couple of years. Finally, I’m out of a rut and onto a new phase of growth.

Her light hearted approach instantly put me at ease. Her laser focused intuition nurtured me with just the right questions and her patient pace knew when to pause and ask me to also stop and reflect. She possesses the winning combination of compassion and tenacity that challenged me to dig deeper and ask more of myself than I thought I had in me.

This was time well spent and the tools I learned will apply in every aspect of my life and I will be able to access and use them time and time again. 

Thank you Coach Eirini! I’m looking forward to our next opportunity to work together.

—Mary Jane Zimmerman, Entrepreneur, Louisville, Kentucky Area

I often tell friends and colleagues that Eirini was a blessing in disguise for my son during a time of tough decision-making. He needed someone other than his parents, in his corner — who could encourage him as he transferred to a new college and was doubting himself. Eirini helped him clarify his goals and what he needs to do to move forward. She helped him accept his inner gifts while at the same time encouraging him to keep an open mind and an open heart in order to stretch himself and explore. I now see a young man who is empowered and confident that his dreams are both achievable and worthy of pursuing. All this, in addition to her kind spirit, makes recommending Eirini to others such a joy.

—Katherine Stavrianopoulos, Ph.D.

Before working with Coach Eirini, I was struggling to find myself after experiencing various incidents that occurred over my first year in college. The struggles that I faced included a loss of self esteem, hopelessness, and self doubt. Prior to working with Coach Eirini, I was seeing a therapist. During my therapy sessions we would talk and talk about various issues, but that’s it we would just talk, we never really went over on fixing what was going on mentally. Coach Eirini was able to help me with this. She provided me with little tasks after every session to work on for the following week, and kept me accountable for. This allowed me to work backwards and rediscover who I am and who I’d like to be going forward. After working with Coach Eirini I have gained my self confidence back, I am now able to be more open to new opportunities thrown my way, and I have learned that life is just this game. In this game of life, we create our own rules to win, but by adding the spirit of “play” we’ll have a whole lot more fun as we explore the game of life. Thanks Coach Eirini!

—Steven, New York

Eirini has a heart-centered approach to coaching — meaning, she will go deeper with you to the heart of the matter, whether its exploring your heart’s desire, your big dream, your challenges or your fears. Eirini will open a safe space for you to trust yourself, to be vulnerable and embrace new challenges. She will encourage you to discover your talents/capabilities and take actions towards your dream with confidence. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her philosophy of dancing through life is a reminder that a sense of play is essential to our well-being.

—Flo Mauri, New York

Its been a wonderful being coached by Eirini. She provides such wonderful support and more importantly is able to challenge me in my pursuits. She is able to hold space for my dreams and wants me to succeed. She is very passionate about what she does and it comes through very strongly in our sessions together. I would recommend her for your coaching needs should you want to move forward with a spirit of PLAY and unleash your inner superpowers.

—Paul Roux, Cape Town South Africa

I have been working with Coach Eirini for the past couple of years. Her presence, genuine caring, and professional competency make her an outstanding support, guide, and facilitator. She asks provocative questions when I am stuck in a personal or professional situation. She helps me to see myself more clearly, as well as the choices I am and am not willing to make. When I face challenges, she helps me to sort through what I have control over and what I do not, as well as set a course of action that is in alignment with who I am and what matters most to me in my life. Eirini’s strong passion and sense of peace make her an amazing ally. I highly recommend coaching with her.

—Rebecca Boswell, Austin, Texas

I came to Coach Eirini when I had sold my business and was starting a new business. I needed support, motivation, and accountability to help me make this change. I couldn’t provide that for myself and I was stuck. Eirini helped me to identify my true goals so that I could live and work in alignment with my True Self.

I experienced Eirini to be very nurturing, enthusiastic, and motivating. She took accomplishing goals out of the realm of work and it literally became a game!

Working with Eirini made a realized difference in my life. I no longer see what I do to “make a living” as “work”.  It’s rather a “pleasure” because I’m in alignment with my talents and my true values and desire to be of service to others.

Thank you Eirini, you provided exactly what I needed.

—Janice B., Vermont

When I started working with Eirini, I seriously doubted whether I would be able to reach my goal, a creative project that I’ve been trying to finish for years, with no success. I felt hopeless and lost. Amazingly, after our first consultation, I immediately felt more hopeful, and in the coming weeks, my progress on my project accelerated and far exceeded my expectations. As the weeks passed, problems and difficulties that I couldn’t think my way out of for months dissolved easily, because she helped me see them in a different light. The best part is that, while working with Eirini, I never felt that she was giving her opinion or trying to tell me how to solve my problems. She just has a wonderful gift for drawing out a person’s own problem-solving abilities. And of course, her endless cheerfulness and positivity were just what I needed when I was feeling down and disgruntled. After a handful of sessions, I am amazed by my progress, and I can’t believe that I’m finally on the road to success! It would not have been possible without Eirini.

—Lauren S., Spain

Eirini has been blessed by God with the beautiful talent of Life Coaching. Her real talent is her ability to bring other people’s blessings and talents to their attention.  When speaking with Eirini, she helps guide you out of the past and future fog that we sometimes get caught up in and into the present moment with such clarity and faith.  The support Eirini provides and her remarkable dedication to her clients is so motivating and uplifting. I feel as if I have gone on a mini vacation after speaking with her. Our sessions are a weekly rejuvenation for my mind, body and soul. I feel as if she has introduced me to myself! 

—Chrisie O’Leary, New York

Eirini’s wisdom and expertise guided me through a very challenging time where the emotions were so heavy, I felt I couldn’t see my way out and was drowning.  Her strategic guidance and wonderful empathy helped me make sense of it all.  Her coaching allowed me to find the serenity I needed to regain my power and be functional again with my business activities and life.

Coach Eirini has been a divine vitamin in my life.

—Sylvie Bélanger, Toronto

Before working with Coach Eirini, I was hiding my true self. She has a soft, calming, reassuring voice and with her great faith and energy helped bring out my inner strength. My experience working with Coach Eirini was one of encouragement, excitement, rejuvenation and belief. She never told me what I should do but instead asked if she can share an observation which was helpful. We set weekly goals and I was held accountable to reach them. The role playing gave me a different perspective and the exercise of closing my eyes to tap into my deep inner emotions was remarkable. This made a difference because I am now able to let my real me shine.  As a result, I have a renewed confidence and outlook. Thank you Coach Eirini!

—Loukia Vafeades, New York, Toronto

I have benefitted greatly from Eirini’s life coaching sessions.  Eirini has a very gentle, soft way about her which is never pushy or intimidating.  She helps me discover who I am and what it is I want out of life.  We’ve explored what my passions and talents/gifts are and how to make good use of them and live life to the fullest by using them.  I’ve learned so much about myself and uncovered things from my past that have definitely influenced my present.  Eirini has such great feedback and helpful suggestions that have always proved to benefit me.  She helps me discover who my true self is and what my heart’s desires are.  Through the help of Eirini, I’ve been able to recognize what super powers I have and how to tap into them.  She’s taught me that in order for me to grow and lead a fulfilling life that I need to step out of my comfort zone.  I’ve always felt that I don’t live life to its fullest potential and so I’m now learning that I am capable of doing that.  I love how Eirini always asks if I want to hear her feedback, which I usually do, and then it’s always presented in such a gentle, soft, loving, kind way which makes me more receptive to what she’s saying.  She comes from a loving place in her heart with her desire to help other people and want them to be the best people they can be. Even though I don’t always like role playing, when we do it, I always discover better ways of handling situations.  Whenever she asks me to close my eyes and vision something, miraculous thoughts and revelations always come to me.  It’s only through discussing my thoughts, feelings and concerns about things with her, that I’m able to work through them in a way that improves my relationships with others.  Eirini always encourages me to tap into the best parts of myself and put them to the best use in life that will benefit both myself as well as others.  After our sessions, I always walk away with so much food for thought and a relief of whatever it was that was weighing heavy on my heart, mind and soul.
—Deborah, New Jersey

I never thought I needed life coaching.  In fact, friends have told me I should consider being one! I thought I knew how to express myself, speak my truth and work out problems properly.  I meditated, journaled, prayed, practiced gratitude, and brought a positive light most of the time. Basically, I thought I had all the right tools, and just lacked clarity and direction. I knew what I wanted, but not how to get it. After only one session with Eirini, WOW, was I wrong! She blew me away! She knew what to ask me and get me to open up and create a comfortable dialogue. She gave me more insight into my true self than I could ever have imagined possible.  I knew how I was feeling, but she clarified it with meaning and created an awareness for me to understand, with her compassion and enthusiastic manner.  Each session, the layers were being peeled away, I was learning more about myself and sometimes I felt like a child. Giovanna 101, haha!  But she taught me that this creates growth and though that could be painful at times, I’d rather learn and be aware of what needs to change so that I don’t continue to live with the frustration, anger and disappointment that was preventing me from moving forward in life. Eirini opened doors for me, that I didn’t even know existed. She gave me the proper language and tools to help me bring important change into my life. Positive changes with my family relationships and how to bring my own dreams to fruition. Eirini makes the whole experience so comfortable and easy, creating an awareness that is on point and mind blowing. She’s real, kind and fun to work (play) with. Everyone needs Coach Eirini!
—Giovanna Minda, New York

Eirini is a wonderful life coach and guide who has an amazing ability to reach the heart of the issue quickly. I learn a lot from her each time we speak and I learn a lot about myself. She is sensitively guiding me on my journey and helping me to see inner truths.

— Jennifer P., New Jersey

Eirini is a warm, intuitive and compassionate life coach! She listens intently and offers very helpful guidance! She helps us bring out the best in ourselves! I highly recommend her!

—Chrissa Lefes Skeadas, New York

Eirini has helped me to return to my former self that had somehow disappeared.   I reluctantly agreed to six weeks of coaching, assuming that I had to dive into dark places I did not want to visit.  But, after the first session I began to realize that Eirini had a way of bringing out the good in me that had been hiding for many years.  I was eventually able to release the untrue repetitive thoughts in my head, recognize them, and replace them with truth.  I had been stuck and unable to move forward, I felt disconnected.  That was a heavy feeling, which has now been lifted by her gentle approach and guidance, allowing me to take steps each week to move forward in life with gratitude and appreciation.  Setting goals and planning things that bring happiness, joy, and fun back into my life is now possible.  I can’t think of any reason or person who would not benefit from Eirini’s gracious, loving approach to coaching.  I cannot thank her enough.

—Linda V.,  New York

Heart surgery is sometimes what it takes to dig deeper and find out the self-made obstacles to ones dreams. Working with Eirini has been like opening a treasure box of ideas and ways to push past my fears and ambiguity.  I’ve worked with many therapists on family dynamics, relationship problems, and troubling personality flaws and I have grown. Working with a Life Coach is different in that it is problem/solution focused. If you have a dream or a goal that is haunting you, may I recommend that you consider working with Eirini, a remarkable Life Coach! You may just reach that mountain top, yet!

—Sally A., RN, MSN (Psychiatric Nurse)

Eirini has a unique gift of pulling out one’s individual strengths and bringing out one’s truth. She is by nature an encourager. She is direct and honest, yet compassionate, loving, and kind. She possesses the special ability to put a person at ease, which in turn, helped me become more vulnerable and open up without fear of being judged. She helped bring me from a level of frustration and despair to one of courage and strength. I learned from her that I do not have to let fear rule my life, but instead, have tools and wisdom within me and the power to make my own decisions and create a happy life. She helped me see the good in myself, believe in myself, and furthermore, take the necessary action to accomplish my goals and better my life. She defines the meaning of a true “coach”. I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in making positive changes in their life.

—Susan B., Pennsylvania

Eirini has many qualities that make her a good life coach; she is wise, compassionate, and can use her own experience of personal transformation to help others.
I’ve known and worked with Eirini since 2012. While I was seeing my therapist, Eirini worked with me separately, helping to give me tools to move beyond the end of a marriage and the tragic death of my younger brother. During my most vulnerable times, she was tender and nurturing. She helped me to develop mindfulness and to realize that I could make better choices around my thoughts and actions.
Eirini has a special gift for being able to suggest visual images that helped me to grasp abstract ideas and to build my spiritual practice. She has a gentle and joyful spirit, but is also astute when it comes to pointing out stumbling blocks that can impede growth. I continue to benefit from her loving guidance.

—Marie B., Michigan

As the Consulting Clinical Psychologist at Crestview Manor I became familiar with the work of Eirini Metaxas. Eirini made a real difference in quality of life for the 74 residents. As Director of Life Enrichment she revealed many facets, going above and beyond, even helping to bring some of the residents out of their shells.
In addition to her art activities and field trips, her meditation and discussion groups and anger management classes helped spur real change. Positive results for several residents were recorded in their clinical files by the Home’s nurses. Eirini is a natural change agent who has a keen understanding of human nature.

—Rose Bryant-Tuckett, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

I have known Eirini for 18 years. I have watched her pour her heart into all of her endeavors…. making a difference and teaching her girl scouts, as their leader, to do the same; rescuing dogs and transforming them into therapy dogs that bring pleasure and a sense of calm to those with physical and mental illness; creating programs for the elderly that bring joy to their lives. Her heart is full of love and compassion. Her passion is to share that love with others as she guides them through the challenges of life…. she has done just that and has made a difference in the lives of many.

—Barbi Volk, MD, New York

I have known Eirini for the last four years.  She is a warm, friendly person with a deep desire to help people.  Just hearing her voice gives me a sense of deep joy and an inner calmness. She has always reminded me to “slow down”, to live and enjoy each present moment.
She has always been an attentive listener, willingly listening to my concerns without interruptions. Teaching me, through example, that it is important to be a good listener.  Eirini has also suggested different visualizations that I have used and that have helped me in making some changes in my life. They have been a valuable tool for me. She is very supportive and has touched my life in a positive way.

—Chris P., Greece

I have been acquainted with Eirini for a little more than 5 years. In that time I have been inspired by, and totally respect her ‘common sense’ and compassionate approach to living. She is the person I call when I have a pressing problem and am seeking clarity and guidance. She oftentimes gives me input that I hadn’t thought of. I find her to be accepting of life as it is, and finds good in all circumstances. Eirini has helped me immensely in helping me to reach a state of awareness and clarity, giving me inner peace and freedom with my decisions. She sincerely celebrates my joys also. I trust Eirini, and am very fond of her.

—Marie P., Minnesota

I have known Eirini Metaxas ever since she took one of my Healer’s Workshops a few years ago and she has been impressing me ever since with her beautiful, kind, loving and gentle spirit. Eirini has a remarkable way of sharing her unconditional presence, insight, and wisdom to guide people’s to life changing results. She is truly a gift to all who are fortunate enough to know her.

—Gene Krackehl, Author: You Are The Healer: Discover Your Miraculous Potential to Heal Yourself & Others